Timbers Army, Pride Edition.


On June 15, the Timbers Army had the opportunity to march in the Portland Pride Parade. It was amazing; there were many of my Timbers Army brethren, all marching for equality, diversity, and love. I really hope we are invited back next year. We were one of the largest groups to march in the parade, and we chanted the entire parade route.

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I know, I know, it’s been like over a week since the Portland Pride Parade, but I just recently got the time to sit down and edit the photos from the event.

I had the amazing opportunity to take photos of the event, and I arrived home after the Thorns match that was after the parade to realize I had So. Many. Photos.

452 to be exact.  

That’s a lot of shots.  

A lot of people were antsy to see photos of the march, which gave me a dilemma of posting all the photos at once onto Flickr, or taking my time to edit and whittle down the collection to something less monstrous. Since we live in the age of smartyphones and such, the “Me Wantee Now” movement is quicker than ever. So I went for a compromise (sort of), and just posted most of the photos.

Okay, there were still 360 of them. Some redundancies, but if you flip through some of them really quick, they look like a movie! Take THAT, Vine (and now Instagram Video as well)!

I really did intend to sit down to pick and edit my favorite shots. It’s been on my to-do list for a week, and with the magnificent win against Colorado today, it gave me that post-match buzz (non-alcohol-fueled! I know, I’m just as shocked as you) to stay focused and choose my faves.

And now you can view 42 of my favorite shots, made all pretty and such with fancy editing and cropping.

Why 42?

It’s the answer to the ultimate question to life, the universe, and everything.

I know, totally geeking out to Hithhiker’s Guide here, but really! There was so much love and positivity at the Pride Parade that it naturally made sense to choose 42 shots.

42 shots of love, support, diversity, you name it. It was there. And I wish the rest of the world could have felt it, for we would probably have a lot less problems.  

Enjoy the gallery here.
